
While everyone across the world continues to navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19, SupplyPro is committed to supporting your business throughout the course of this pandemic and to provide continuity of service.

We realize that in this time of crisis, it is critical that we make it possible for you to continue your operations and help you respond to the unique demands that you may be facing. We want you to know that at this important time, you can count on us to be there to support your business.

SupplyPro’s leadership team is meeting continuously to assess and appropriately respond to the crisis as it evolves, to adjust our operations to maintain continuity, and to support the safety and health of those impacted. In addition, SupplyPro is operating in accordance with guidance from local government and public health authorities across the globe. Of course, the health and welfare of both our employees and your employees remain a priority. We have extensive online collaboration capabilities for our employees to communicate with each other and with you and suppliers. See below for answers to frequently asked questions we have received from customers regarding our business continuity plans. We will continue to update our corporate website regularly as conditions change.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SupplyPro's Business Continuity Plan?

SupplyPro takes an impact-based approach to business continuity management by designing preparedness and response plans that address the availability of our workforce, workplaces, technologies, and critical interdependencies. The California office has experienced a mandatory closure. SupplyPro has shifted critical job functions to remote workers and continues to provide essential business processes and customer support.

2. Will my cloud services be impacted?

At this time, we do not expect any disruption to cloud service availability due to the COVID-19 virus.

3. Will there be delays in SupplyPro’s supply chain due to COVID-19?

SupplyPro will be working out delivery details on a case-by-case basis. We maintain a multi-sourcing strategy for most of our components, and SupplyPro works continuously to avoid delays that impact customers. For products or components supplied predominantly from high-risk countries, we are expanding our alternate sourcing options to minimize potential future disruptions.

4. What impact is COVID-19 having on lead times for hardware?

If COVID-19 continues to intensify, lead times may increase. SupplyPro is working diligently to minimize lengthening of product lead times, and we will keep you informed on any impacts that would affect your business. Although manufacturing is temporarily suspended, orders are continuing to be staged to support the fastest possible turnaround once operations resume. Our project management team will be providing updates as information becomes available.

5. What impact will there be to receiving spare parts?

At this time, we cannot ship spare parts. Once the mandatory closure is lifted, we will process spare parts requests on a priority basis.

6. Is there any impact on SupplyPro installations?

For the safety of our employees and customers we can no longer perform on-site installations. If a scheduled install has been cancelled, we will make every effort to reschedule the installation on a priority basis once travel is safe again. However, we will be providing scheduled remote support for customer installs and training with our SupplyPro installers at no charge. Due to availability of professional installers, we will be scheduling installation appointments through our Project Management team in 2-hour sessions – Phone: 858-587-6400 or email orderfulfillment@supplypro.com

7. How can I get updates on COVID-19 from SupplyPro?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, SupplyPro requests that they be channeled through your existing Territory Manager or check the corporate website for periodic updates.